Hey guys, I'm sooo sorry I've been away foor so long! Just after I started up with my Youtube channel I started to get really ill and then I found out I was pregnant. I was really poorly throughout the whole of my pregnancy and after I'd had the baby.

But now I'm getting back on my feet a little bit more and getting back into my make-up I'm really excited about doing some video's and blogging. I'm hoping to be able to blog and add video's at least 1-2 times a week. Because being a Mum is like a full time job, sometimes I'll have more time than others to update things.

My little lady was born on 24th March at 9:50pm weighing a very healthy 8lb11 & 1/2! I've added a pic of her when she was first born. I'm not going to tell you her name yet as I wanted to kick things off with a competition to guess her name, there'll be a prize of a Mac eyeshadow and a little 17 holiday set but I'll add another post to tell you about it and give you the chance to enter.

But for now if anyone has any requests or idea's for video's I'd love to hear them. I've got a couple of hauls and reviews to come, so watch this space! Bye for now xx :-)


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