Borghese Castello Blue

With flash.

I am in a very good mood today as I finally went to see the house I have been waiting for. Not only that, but because the house isn't finished yet, the landlord is going to decorate according to how I want it! How good is that? I get to decide on tiles in both the kitchen and bathroom and then the paint for the rest of the rooms. I am meeting with him in two weeks to finalise the decisions.

Today I have another polish from Borghese, Castello Blue. This is a nice very pale dusty blue, with lots  of grey in. The colour is very creamy with zero shimmer. 

Formula wise I hated her! She was streaky, terribly difficult to work with and took three very awkward coats to reach opacity.  To be honest though, she could have used a fourth, but as I decided to stamp I left it at three.There was terrible drag from the brush for the second and third coats which was also a pain. Drying time was good, but also made application more difficult when overlapping.

Without flash, artificial light. 

Do I like the finished look of the polish? Yes I do, I really like the colour, but the application was such a pain that I don't think I'll get much use from her. I'm also putting off trying the other polishes in this line too. I know, I know, I'll have to be brave at some point and use them and they might be better, who knows?

That's all from me for now, but keep an eye out for the stamping coming soon. Take care all, byeeeeeee x :-)


  1. Aw I WANT it, so so pretty :) x

  2. CONGRATULATIONS I'm so happy for you, it's so nice that you can decide colors and tiles :)

    I hate polishes that need that many coats, and this shade shouldn't really need that - oh well, quite pretty anyhow!

    1. Thanks hun, its so lovely to be thinking about decoration of the house, it will make it feel homey front the start. I'm feeling much happier now.

      Me too, I can't believe it was this bad formula wise! X :-)

  3. Pretty color....but I don't like the ones who gave hard time...:)

    1. Me neither, my time is very limited so I need polishes that don't give me hastle lol x :-)

  4. Pretty but sad it needs so many coats :)

  5. Beautiful shade! It's a shame the formula isn't better!

    1. Thanks hun, yeah she looks so pretty but such a PITA! X :-)

  6. Ooooh very pretty shade! Very "Tiffany" box blue! :)
    Shame about the formula though :/

    1. Yes she really is gorgeous but she's duvh a PITA to apply lol x :-)

  7. What a pretty little shade :)
    Real shame it needed so many coats!


    1. The really is pretty, I'm going to have to search for the same shade with a better formula x :-)

  8. Great news about the house! I love the colour so it sucks about the formula!

    1. Thanks hun, I'm really excited.

      Yeah, its a real pain because I really love it x :-)


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