Bubbly Pinky Essie

Today I have surprise, surprise, another pink nail polish! It's Essie's Neo-Whimsical from the 2010 collection, The Art Of Spring. I'd seen plenty of swatches online and I just knew I had to have it! So of coarse it was the first from the Essie's out of my haul I had to try.

It's a pale milky pink with a hint of lilac. The formula is super duper creamy and appeared to be going on very well and smoothly. Drying time between coats was good and I used three coats to get it opaque, but that's to be expected with a pastel cream.

I was really pleased with it as when I'd finished my third coat it looked beautiful. After a little while I went to get a drink from the kitchen and when I looked my nails they were all bubbly (as you can see from the non-flash picture). Now this is very strange, because I painted my toes at the same time and they didn't have any bubbles at all. Hmmmm, I'm going to assume that it's user error and not the polish.

Despite the fact I had bubbles in it, I really adore the colour and it looks so nice on the toes aswell. I'm so ridiculously pale, but I think this would be a great colour if you had a tan, so fabulous for the summer months. I just know that I'll be wearing this allot, I just hope I can sort out the bubbling problem, but I'll let you know.

Do you have this polish? Do you love it? Did you have the same bubble problems? I'd love for you to let me know. Well, that's all from me for now.

Take care all, byeeeeeeeeeeee x :-)


  1. Pretty colour. I don't have any essie nail polishes but I saw some sets selling very cheap in tkkmax I think was 3 essie for £10.00. I end up getting a colour club set instead which had 7 nail polishes for £7.99

    1. That sounds a great deal! I'll have to take a look next time I go to TKMax x :-)

  2. Hey! I found you through the Blog Hop :)

    LOVE the colour of this nail polish! I've never heard of Essie before, but I'm intrigued :)


    1. Essie do great nail polish, you should really try some. Thanks for following x :-)

  3. Love this polish!!

    Found you through the blog hop <3 Your newest follower :)

    xo, Jersey Girl


    1. Its pretty huh! Thanks for following, I'm following you back x :-)


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