Nail Polish Haul, Essie, China Glaze and Orly

Left to right, Everythings Rosy, Cupcake, Artificial Sweetener, Elsbeths Rose.

Here are the Orly polishes that I picked out, yes they are all pink! When I first got them out of the packet, I thought they were all very similar, but there's quite a big bit of difference so I'm pleased with them. I've heard such good things about Orly so I'm super duper excited to try them out!

Left to right, French Affair, Flawless, Neo Whimsical, Lily Pond.

Next up are the Essie's, ok so I went as bit overboard with seven of them, but these are shades I've wanted for a while so I think they're justified...

Lef t to right, Unkown China Glaze, Essie Lilacism, Essie Topless and Barefoot.

The China Glaze on the end was meant to be Something Sweet which is a pink cream, and this is clearly not it! The worst thing is, there is no sticker on the bottom to tell me which polish it actually is. Not too happy about it and I've sent an e-mail to see what they say, so we shall she...

As these kinds of polishes are quite expensive here in the UK, I tried to find an online store selling them for a cheaper price. I still wanted to purchase from the UK though and I thought I'd found the perfect site with With that website address you would think that straight away they are here in the UK, especially as when you go to their contact page it gives an address in Stevenage, but it's just not so, it's actually an American company.

For a start, I didn't get a despatch e-mail AT ALL, and I've sent two e-mails regarding my concern about this and heard nothing back from them. Next problem was that my bank statement showed they took out over £4.00 extra than what was stated when I checked out , and this is in addition to the £5.50 postage and packaging I'd already paid. The delivery time is extremely long as this package took three weeks to arrive here, and I think that is a little excessive. Last but not least, the packaging was just a jiffy bag (bubble wrap bag) there was no box, although they were all wrapped individually inside the packet.

They did slightly redeem themselves by sending me this little freebie goody bag with a nail file, mini OPI hand lotion, wooden cuticle stick, and sponge in it.

So I'm pleased with the polishes, but really dissapoointed in the service and communication with BeverlyBeaute. Have any of you bought anything from them? Did you have any issues or problems with them?

I hope you are all well, take care, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee x


  1. Those polishes are gorgeous! I'm a huge fan of Essie's nail polishes! Thank you for stopping by my blog, I am definitely following back!

    1. Thanks, I did kind of go overboard didn't I? Oh well lol x

  2. Love them!!! I love all the pinks haha.. followed back already!! yay

    1. Thanks, I must admit I have a bit of a thing for pink nail polish, can you tell? x :-)

  3. I've been wanting to find where to buy OPI and China Glaze nail polishes in the UK for a while, do you normally get them from this website or do you have any others??? LOVE all the colours, especially Essie Barefoot :D

    1. To be honest I wouldn't really recommend them because of the issues I had with them. Frangrance Direct and Cheapsmells do some Orly and OPI but no china glaze. You can also get them from Sallys Beauty Supply if you have one near to you? I'm currently trying to find a good online retailer so I'll let you know if I find a really good one x :-)

  4. Love these colors, great for summer and spring!! The mystery China Glaze color looks almost like their For Audrey shade. It's almost a Tiffany blue. Sorry to hear about your bad experience with this company. Thanks for joining my weekend blog hop, I am now following back :)

    1. Thanks, yeah I think they're good for the season. Although I'm such a pink lover I wear them all year round lol. Yes thankyou I think you are right after looking at some swatches online of For Audrey! Thaks for following back x :-)

  5. WOW so much pink! I can't wait to see the comparisons of these!

    1. Lol, yeah I do love my pinks! I'll do comparisons soon x :-)

  6. Oooohhhh. Can't wait for your swatches. lol. Essie Barefoot looks good.

    1. I'll be doing reviews on all of them one by one and then some comparisons aswell x :-)


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