Current Top 5 Favourite Lipsticks

As I've done so many nail posts in a row, I thought I'd shake things up a bit and talk about something else. So what is my other obsession apart from Nail Polish? Lipstick! Although to be honest lipstick is actually my longest running love, as I've always had a soft spot for it since being an iddly biddy girly. As I haven't done a favourites for so long I thought I'd let you know which lipsticks are getting my attention at the moment.

Mac's Jubilee has been one of my favourites for a while as it's so easy to wear and goes with everything. Mac describe it as a 'nude beige pink', but I'd say it leans more on the browny beige side with pink undertones. Being a lustre it is a little sheer but also very moisturising. I usually get a couple of hours wear out of it. I think this would suit all skin tones, thus making it a great staple for anyones collection.

Mac's Viva Glam Gaga 2 is one that I got towards the end of last year and it was well loved throughout the winter, but is still great for the spring summer. Mac describe it as a 'light warm beige', I can definately see some peach in there aswell, but not so much to weird on my pale cool toned skin. It's one of my favourite formulas being an amplified, but like allot of pale nudes I suggest lip exfoliation prior to this as it's not all that forgiving.

Mac's Snob is one of my favourite pinks as it looks fairly bright on me (as I'm so pale) but not too bright if you know what I mean? It's almost as if it's St.Germain's little sister, or her close cousin anyway. Mac describe it as a 'light neautral pink'  I'd say it's more a gorgeous vibrant, blue toned pink with a satin finish and it's about as opaque as you can get. This is one of Mac's top selling lipsticks and I can see why, I LOVE it!

Mac's Blankety is one of those beautiful neautrals that just work, and when I can't decide what to wear, I reach for this. Mac describe it as a 'soft pink beige' and I'd agree with that. This is an amplified creme finish so is very pigmented and moisturising. If you don't have this, I'm telling you, you need it!

So we come to the last lipstick, and shock horror it's not a Mac one! Elf's Classy is one of their essentials range and only costs a mere £1.50 to own, but some say it's actually a dupe for Mac's Angel. I don't have it so I couldn't tell you, but this is really gorgeous. I'd call it a middle of the road vibrant cool toned pink with a satin finish. This lipstick is just soooo amazing for the price. It's moisturising, pigmented, smells sweet and wears really well. What's not to like? Whenever I wear it I always get compliments and people are shocked to know how little it cost me!

So there you have it, my current favourite lipsticks. I'm sorry it's a little Mac heavy, but I do own allot of them so that usually is what happens lol. Do you have any of these lipsticks? I'd love to know what ryour favourite lipsticks are as I'm always on the look out for new ones. I hope you are well and enjoy the weekend. Take care byeeeeeeeee x :-)


  1. Great post! I need to check out Snob next time I'm near a MAC counter. I have Creme Cup, and that's a gorgeous pink too!

  2. Thank you, yes I have creme cup and I adore it. It's the one that nearly made it on to my list! Although it's more of an all time favourite of mine. You should really get snob it's sooo nice x

  3. I just love lippies too!I have Snob, it's such a gorgeous pink :) I love all the Mac pinks though. Need to get some neutral colours. Mac Kinda Sexy is meant to be really nice xx

    1. Snob is just so fab! Hue and Creme d Nude are good Mac nudes x :-)


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